设计内容:外观&结构设计 主要材料:ABS 生产工艺:CNC 设计周期:1个月 设计时间:2010/03
航天智能机器人,是一种在航天器或空间站上作业的具有智能的通用机械系统。太空机器人具有机械臂和电脑,能实现感知、推理和决策等功能,可以象人一样在事先未知的空间环境下完成各种任务。 以设计为导向,将内部结构做了较大调整,使其在满足原理实现的基础上,更具备了科技感、人性化的感官视觉。 Space robots, is an intelligent mechanical system which can work on spacecraft or space station. Space robot, with a robotic arm and computer perception, can feel, reason and make a decision, like man to deal with various tasks in previously unknown space environment. The Design has largely adjusted the internal structure to meet the sense of science and human sensory visual without losing robots’ working principle. |
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